Streetwood Management

80 East 10th Street

Sometimes things don’t go according to plan. Misunderstandings turn into disputes. Third parties weigh in and try to force an agenda. Time passes that should have been put to good use. If and when that happens, know that there is a trusted representative that can step in and put things back on track.

This boutique condo project was well under way when things went sideways. The investors called me at the end of the year. They had $25 million worth of apartments under contract. The job was way behind schedule. The market had turned against them. Missing their delivery dates meant either giving deep discounts to hold onto their buyers, or losing them altogether. Frankly, neither outcome was acceptable to the principals and their investors. Could I help?

I took the assignment and went to work. With a combination of leadership, technical and construction knowledge, intense focus, and relentless demand for results, we got the building completed and secured the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy in time to deliver their contracted units, hold on onto their buyers, and close at full price.

If you ever find yourself in a bind, call me.