Streetwood Management

Decarbonization Programs

We hear a lot of talk about how we should reduce carbon emissions to save the planet.

In New York, the law requires that we act.

Compliance need not be a crisis. Streetwood has assembled an integrated management, engineering, construction, and financing team focused on Local Law 97 compliance programs. We’re ready to lead building owners and managers, co-op boards, and condo boards to compliance.

  • Professional program management from day one to day end.

  • Experienced, knowledgeable building and system analysis.

  • Evaluation of new technologies and implementation where they make sense. And only where they make sense.


Evaluate the Building and Define the Issues


Optimize Solutions with Building Science Principles


Install New, More Efficient Equipment when Appropriate

  • Practical, achievable solutions designed to mitigate, it not eliminate altogether, exposure to LL97 fines and penalties.

  • Detailed, accurate budgeting and estimating.

  • Long-term capital plans that are designed to align resources with the cost of compliance. These plans are designed to be blueprints that can be used and referred to for years to come.

  • Financing options for LL97 compliance programs.

  • When the time comes, professional construction management that responds to the needs of ownership first.


Install New Control and Monitoring Systems


Improve Thermal Performance Wherever Possible


Plan and Budget the Program for the Long Term